Money Monday's Newsletter

Practical Tips To Guide You On Your Wealth-Building Journey In Real Estate.

Every Monday morning, you'll receive actionable tips to help you launch, grow, and maximize returns on your real estate investments in under 5 minutes.

Previous Issues Of Money Monday's Newsletter

How 1 Move Created 208 Hours Of Free Time

How 1 Move Created 208 Hours Of Free Time

August 05, 20244 min read

I started investing in real estate with one goal in mind:

To achieve time freedom by building up my passive income streams over a 10 year period. So, I got to work.

I started small, by house hacking a triplex and then continued to scale by house hacking a duplex and so on. Everything went very smooth... for about a year.

Once I moved out of my first property and had it fully rented, those landlord horror stories that we've all heard started coming to fruition. That's when I realized, my strategy was completely contradicting the initial goal I set out to achieve.

When I reflected on where I was at in relation to whereI wanted to be, here's what I found:

I was spending MORE time dealing with these properties, adding time to my already busy schedule.

Let's do the math:

  • Amount of properties: 2

  • Hours per week per property: 2

  • Total hours per week: 4

  • Total hours per year: 208

With just two properties, I added 5.2 extra 40 hour work weeks to my schedule, simply from managing tenants and maintenance calls. I was essentially slowly creating another W2... the thing I set out to avoid.

That's when I made the pivot to passively investing in real estate, a much better strategy, that perfectly aligned with my goal to achieve time freedom through strategic investments.

As an investor, I got all of the benefits that rental real estate has to offer, without dealing with tenants and late night maintenance calls.

Here are 3 immediate benefits:

Less Stress, More Time

Going back to the whole time freedom thing, that is what I consider to be real wealth - complete control and autonomy over how I spend my time.

At first, being active and buying these small deals made a lot of sense. I could picture the property cash-flowing, and my partner Lucas and I waking up to mailbox money. Maybe I was naive, but obviously that's almost never the case. If you expect active real estate investing to be a walk in the park, well, just wait until you experience the downsides.

But, by passively investing in a real estate syndication, you can partner with experts in the field who do this full time achieve two things that, for me, were the reasons I got started in the first place:

  1. Passive income and equity growth.

  2. Freedom to spend my time as I wish.

Since making the shift to passive investing and having ownership in over 500 apartments units, I have never received a call regarding a tenant issue or had to worry about the eviction process.

After the property closes, the only time that I spend on the property is reading through updates from the operator each month, which only takes a few minutes, and then watch the passive income distributions be directly deposited into my bank account.

Risk Mitigation and Scalability

We quickly realized after our first two deals that scaling was tough. Our capital got tied up in a few properties, making it hard to save for another down payment. Plus, a small portfolio means higher risk from market fluctuations or property-specific issues.

Passive investing solves this by allowing diversification across multiple properties and markets, ensuring more stable returns. The cost to acquire ownership is often less than buying solo, and property-specific issues are already budgeted for, so no unexpected expenses for major fixes.

What We All Want...Higher Returns

As a finance guy with a data analysis background, I'm always chasing max ROI. In smaller properties (1-4 units), you have zero control over the value—it's all market speculation.

But as a passive investor in commercial assets (5+ units), you control the value. These are valued based on profitability, like a business. With a solid value-add plan, the operator can boost income and cut expenses, driving up profits. This is why passive investors often earn 18-20%+ annually, outperforming smaller properties and other asset classes.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help you:

1.    Schedule A 1:1 Call With Me: If you are interested in learning more about how to passively invest in some of the best opportunities, let's connect. Schedule a call on my calendar and we can discuss potential opportunities that align with your specific goals.

2.    The Passive Investors Guide: Download your free copy of our investor's guide. Inside you'll learn how to turn your active income into passive income with strategic real estate investments based on your specific risk tolerance. This comprehensive guide will teach you how our investor's are earning ~ 20%+ annual returns with hands-off, multifamily real estate investments.

3.    Investing w/ Your 401k/IRA: Join hundreds of other investors who invest in lucrative real estate investments with their old 401k/IRA's. Our webinar teaches you exactly how to invest in cash-flowing real estate and stop settling for average returns that typical retirement accounts offer. Go ahead and watch the replay for actionable tips on how investors are earning 16-20%+.

4.   Money Monday's Newsletter: Check out our weekly newsletter - Money Monday's, where we share practical tips to guide you on your wealth-building journey in real estate every Monday Morning.

Passive IncomeWealthReal EstateFreedomMultifamilyInvesting
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Money Monday's Newsletter

Practical Tips To Guide You
On Your Wealth-Building
Journey In Real Estate.

Every Monday morning, you'll receive actionable tips to help you launch, grow,

and maximize returns on your real estate investments in under 5 minutes.

Previous Issues Of Money Monday's Newsletter

How 1 Move Created 208 Hours Of Free Time

How 1 Move Created 208 Hours Of Free Time

August 05, 20244 min read

I started investing in real estate with one goal in mind:

To achieve time freedom by building up my passive income streams over a 10 year period. So, I got to work.

I started small, by house hacking a triplex and then continued to scale by house hacking a duplex and so on. Everything went very smooth... for about a year.

Once I moved out of my first property and had it fully rented, those landlord horror stories that we've all heard started coming to fruition. That's when I realized, my strategy was completely contradicting the initial goal I set out to achieve.

When I reflected on where I was at in relation to whereI wanted to be, here's what I found:

I was spending MORE time dealing with these properties, adding time to my already busy schedule.

Let's do the math:

  • Amount of properties: 2

  • Hours per week per property: 2

  • Total hours per week: 4

  • Total hours per year: 208

With just two properties, I added 5.2 extra 40 hour work weeks to my schedule, simply from managing tenants and maintenance calls. I was essentially slowly creating another W2... the thing I set out to avoid.

That's when I made the pivot to passively investing in real estate, a much better strategy, that perfectly aligned with my goal to achieve time freedom through strategic investments.

As an investor, I got all of the benefits that rental real estate has to offer, without dealing with tenants and late night maintenance calls.

Here are 3 immediate benefits:

Less Stress, More Time

Going back to the whole time freedom thing, that is what I consider to be real wealth - complete control and autonomy over how I spend my time.

At first, being active and buying these small deals made a lot of sense. I could picture the property cash-flowing, and my partner Lucas and I waking up to mailbox money. Maybe I was naive, but obviously that's almost never the case. If you expect active real estate investing to be a walk in the park, well, just wait until you experience the downsides.

But, by passively investing in a real estate syndication, you can partner with experts in the field who do this full time achieve two things that, for me, were the reasons I got started in the first place:

  1. Passive income and equity growth.

  2. Freedom to spend my time as I wish.

Since making the shift to passive investing and having ownership in over 500 apartments units, I have never received a call regarding a tenant issue or had to worry about the eviction process.

After the property closes, the only time that I spend on the property is reading through updates from the operator each month, which only takes a few minutes, and then watch the passive income distributions be directly deposited into my bank account.

Risk Mitigation and Scalability

We quickly realized after our first two deals that scaling was tough. Our capital got tied up in a few properties, making it hard to save for another down payment. Plus, a small portfolio means higher risk from market fluctuations or property-specific issues.

Passive investing solves this by allowing diversification across multiple properties and markets, ensuring more stable returns. The cost to acquire ownership is often less than buying solo, and property-specific issues are already budgeted for, so no unexpected expenses for major fixes.

What We All Want...Higher Returns

As a finance guy with a data analysis background, I'm always chasing max ROI. In smaller properties (1-4 units), you have zero control over the value—it's all market speculation.

But as a passive investor in commercial assets (5+ units), you control the value. These are valued based on profitability, like a business. With a solid value-add plan, the operator can boost income and cut expenses, driving up profits. This is why passive investors often earn 18-20%+ annually, outperforming smaller properties and other asset classes.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help you:

1.    Schedule A 1:1 Call With Me: If you are interested in learning more about how to passively invest in some of the best opportunities, let's connect. Schedule a call on my calendar and we can discuss potential opportunities that align with your specific goals.

2.    The Passive Investors Guide: Download your free copy of our investor's guide. Inside you'll learn how to turn your active income into passive income with strategic real estate investments based on your specific risk tolerance. This comprehensive guide will teach you how our investor's are earning ~ 20%+ annual returns with hands-off, multifamily real estate investments.

3.    Investing w/ Your 401k/IRA: Join hundreds of other investors who invest in lucrative real estate investments with their old 401k/IRA's. Our webinar teaches you exactly how to invest in cash-flowing real estate and stop settling for average returns that typical retirement accounts offer. Go ahead and watch the replay for actionable tips on how investors are earning 16-20%+.

4.   Money Monday's Newsletter: Check out our weekly newsletter - Money Monday's, where we share practical tips to guide you on your wealth-building journey in real estate every Monday Morning.

Passive IncomeWealthReal EstateFreedomMultifamilyInvesting
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