Money Monday's Newsletter

Practical Tips To Guide You On Your Wealth-Building Journey In Real Estate.

Every Monday morning, you'll receive actionable tips to help you launch, grow, and maximize returns on your real estate investments in under 5 minutes.

Previous Issues Of Money Monday's Newsletter

Why I Ditched Stocks for Real Estate and Never Looked Back

Why I Ditched Stocks for Real Estate and Never Looked Back

August 19, 20245 min read

Breaking up with stocks was the best financial decision I ever made. I know, that’s a bold statement, but I stand by it.

The False Promises of Stocks 

For me, investing in stocks felt like gambling. The stock market is like a roller coaster – one day you’re up and the next you’re down. You have absolutely no control over where it’s going and it can become a wild ride as we’ve seen in the years since COVID.

One thing that never sat well with me was that lack of control. You’re always at the mercy of market whims, global events, and news headlines. One bad earnings report, one geopolitical crisis and boom- your portfolio takes a hit.

My turning point came during COVID when the market took a huge hit, killing a lot of the gains I had made over the few years prior to the crash.

 So, after watching the market bleed, I started thinking “there’s got to be a better way”. That’s when I dove headfirst into real estate investing and haven’t looked back.

 The thing I love about real estate investing is that it is in your control and it’s a tangible, real asset. When you buy property, you own something physical, with intrinsic value that you can see, touch and improve. Unlike stocks, real estate can’t vanish into thin air when the market dips. It’s there, it’s real, and it’s yours.

 But the real kicker? Cash flow. Steady, predictable income that comes in every month, regardless of what’s happening in the stock market. That was the light bulb moment for me. I realized I can generate income while I slept, true, reliable, consistent cash flow.

Why Real Estate Outshines Stocks

Here’s why real estate leaves stocks in the dust:

1.     Control and leverage: Real estate puts you in the drivers seat. You can directly influence property value, rental income and overall ROI through smart decisions and strategic improvements. Try doing that with a stock portfolio, you can’t.

2.     Tax Advantages: Uncle Same loves real estate investors and for that reason, you’ll pay less in taxes. Depreciation, interest deductions, 1031 exchanges- the list goes on.

3.     Equity Growth: There are two ways to build equity in real estate- appreciation and debt paydown. Over time, the property value increases and your mortgage balance decreases, creating a powerful equity growth engine. 

How Real Estate Changed My Financial Future

I started small, house hacking a triplex, then a duplex, etc. And after a few years, I decided to scale through real estate syndication. This did two things for me:

1.     Allowed me to get other people involved and provide them the benefits of real estate without being a landlord.

2.     Helped me grow my portfolio through partnering with other investors and sharing my expertise as well as putting together a team to manage each deal on behalf of those invested.

Now, my investors and I have ownership in over 500 apartments units, all producing cash flow, equity gains and providing us with incredible tax benefits to reduce our taxable income. 

On top of that, since we are able to do this at scale, my investors and I have been able to continue to diversify our portfolios across several different markets, significantly lowering risk.

Real estate also gave me peace of mind. No more worrying about market crashes from a tweet that was sent out from some influential character. All of my properties are stable and my cash flow is consistent.

And it’s not just about me. Real estate allows you to set up a legacy- a financial foundation that will benefit your family for generations to come.

 How You Can Make The Switch

 If you’re thinking about ditching stocks for real estate, here’s my advice, based on what I did:

-       Start small: You don’t need millions to get started, the key is just to get started.

-       Leverage your 401(k): This is something I did and it’s provided me with consistent cash flow and much higher returns. If you have an old 401(k), think about transferring that money to a self-directed account to invest in multifamily real estate.

-       Educate yourself: Real estate isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It requires knowledge, strategy and patience. Educate yourself, read books, attend webinars and find someone who’s been there and done that. 

The best time to invest in real estate was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Don’t let time go to waste without taking control of your investments to create a more secure financial future that pays you ever money. I promise, your future self will thank you.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help you:

1.    Schedule A 1:1 Call With Me: If you are interested in learning more about how to passively invest in some of the best opportunities, let's connect. Schedule a call on my calendar and we can discuss potential opportunities that align with your specific goals.

2.    The Passive Investors Guide: Download your free copy of our investor's guide. Inside you'll learn how to turn your active income into passive income with strategic real estate investments based on your specific risk tolerance. This comprehensive guide will teach you how our investor's are earning ~ 20%+ annual returns with hands-off, multifamily real estate investments.

3.    Investing w/ Your 401k/IRA: Join hundreds of other investors who invest in lucrative real estate investments with their old 401k/IRA's. Our webinar teaches you exactly how to invest in cash-flowing real estate and stop settling for average returns that typical retirement accounts offer. Go ahead and watch the replay for actionable tips on how investors are earning 16-20%+.

4.   Money Monday's Newsletter: Check out our weekly newsletter - Money Monday's, where we share practical tips to guide you on your wealth-building journey in real estate every Monday Morning. 

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Money Monday's Newsletter

Practical Tips To Guide You
On Your Wealth-Building
Journey In Real Estate.

Every Monday morning, you'll receive actionable tips to help you launch, grow,

and maximize returns on your real estate investments in under 5 minutes.

Previous Issues Of Money Monday's Newsletter

Why I Ditched Stocks for Real Estate and Never Looked Back

Why I Ditched Stocks for Real Estate and Never Looked Back

August 19, 20245 min read

Breaking up with stocks was the best financial decision I ever made. I know, that’s a bold statement, but I stand by it.

The False Promises of Stocks 

For me, investing in stocks felt like gambling. The stock market is like a roller coaster – one day you’re up and the next you’re down. You have absolutely no control over where it’s going and it can become a wild ride as we’ve seen in the years since COVID.

One thing that never sat well with me was that lack of control. You’re always at the mercy of market whims, global events, and news headlines. One bad earnings report, one geopolitical crisis and boom- your portfolio takes a hit.

My turning point came during COVID when the market took a huge hit, killing a lot of the gains I had made over the few years prior to the crash.

 So, after watching the market bleed, I started thinking “there’s got to be a better way”. That’s when I dove headfirst into real estate investing and haven’t looked back.

 The thing I love about real estate investing is that it is in your control and it’s a tangible, real asset. When you buy property, you own something physical, with intrinsic value that you can see, touch and improve. Unlike stocks, real estate can’t vanish into thin air when the market dips. It’s there, it’s real, and it’s yours.

 But the real kicker? Cash flow. Steady, predictable income that comes in every month, regardless of what’s happening in the stock market. That was the light bulb moment for me. I realized I can generate income while I slept, true, reliable, consistent cash flow.

Why Real Estate Outshines Stocks

Here’s why real estate leaves stocks in the dust:

1.     Control and leverage: Real estate puts you in the drivers seat. You can directly influence property value, rental income and overall ROI through smart decisions and strategic improvements. Try doing that with a stock portfolio, you can’t.

2.     Tax Advantages: Uncle Same loves real estate investors and for that reason, you’ll pay less in taxes. Depreciation, interest deductions, 1031 exchanges- the list goes on.

3.     Equity Growth: There are two ways to build equity in real estate- appreciation and debt paydown. Over time, the property value increases and your mortgage balance decreases, creating a powerful equity growth engine. 

How Real Estate Changed My Financial Future

I started small, house hacking a triplex, then a duplex, etc. And after a few years, I decided to scale through real estate syndication. This did two things for me:

1.     Allowed me to get other people involved and provide them the benefits of real estate without being a landlord.

2.     Helped me grow my portfolio through partnering with other investors and sharing my expertise as well as putting together a team to manage each deal on behalf of those invested.

Now, my investors and I have ownership in over 500 apartments units, all producing cash flow, equity gains and providing us with incredible tax benefits to reduce our taxable income. 

On top of that, since we are able to do this at scale, my investors and I have been able to continue to diversify our portfolios across several different markets, significantly lowering risk.

Real estate also gave me peace of mind. No more worrying about market crashes from a tweet that was sent out from some influential character. All of my properties are stable and my cash flow is consistent.

And it’s not just about me. Real estate allows you to set up a legacy- a financial foundation that will benefit your family for generations to come.

 How You Can Make The Switch

 If you’re thinking about ditching stocks for real estate, here’s my advice, based on what I did:

-       Start small: You don’t need millions to get started, the key is just to get started.

-       Leverage your 401(k): This is something I did and it’s provided me with consistent cash flow and much higher returns. If you have an old 401(k), think about transferring that money to a self-directed account to invest in multifamily real estate.

-       Educate yourself: Real estate isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It requires knowledge, strategy and patience. Educate yourself, read books, attend webinars and find someone who’s been there and done that. 

The best time to invest in real estate was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Don’t let time go to waste without taking control of your investments to create a more secure financial future that pays you ever money. I promise, your future self will thank you.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help you:

1.    Schedule A 1:1 Call With Me: If you are interested in learning more about how to passively invest in some of the best opportunities, let's connect. Schedule a call on my calendar and we can discuss potential opportunities that align with your specific goals.

2.    The Passive Investors Guide: Download your free copy of our investor's guide. Inside you'll learn how to turn your active income into passive income with strategic real estate investments based on your specific risk tolerance. This comprehensive guide will teach you how our investor's are earning ~ 20%+ annual returns with hands-off, multifamily real estate investments.

3.    Investing w/ Your 401k/IRA: Join hundreds of other investors who invest in lucrative real estate investments with their old 401k/IRA's. Our webinar teaches you exactly how to invest in cash-flowing real estate and stop settling for average returns that typical retirement accounts offer. Go ahead and watch the replay for actionable tips on how investors are earning 16-20%+.

4.   Money Monday's Newsletter: Check out our weekly newsletter - Money Monday's, where we share practical tips to guide you on your wealth-building journey in real estate every Monday Morning. 

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